- Ayubov M. S. and Abdurakhmonov I. Y. The cotton-insect interactive transcriptome: molecular elements involved in plant-insect interactions. In: The biology of plant-insect interactions: a compendium for the plant biotechnologist. Chandrakanth Emani editor. Cold Spring Harbor, 2018.
- Ayubov M.S., Abdurakhmonov I.Y., Sripathi V.R., Saha S., Norov T.M., Buriev Z.T., Shermatov S.E., Ubaydullaeva K.A., McCarty J.C., Deng D. and Jenkins J.N. Recent Developments in Fiber Genomics of Tetraploid Cotton Species. In: Cotton. Mahboob Ur-Rahmon editor. Intech, Croatia. 2018.
- Hsu C.Y., Arick M.A., Miao Q., Saha S., Jenkins J.N., Ayubov M.S., Abdurakhmonov I.Y., Peterson D.G., Ma D.P. Transcriptome Analysis of Ten Days PostAnthesis Elongating Fiber in the Upland Cotton (G. hirsutum) ChromosomeSubstitution Line CS-B25. // American Journal of Plant Sciences, 2018:9, P. 1334-1361. (№40. ResearchGate IF-2.20) (03.00.00. №2)
- Mirzakamol S. Ayubov, Mukhammad H. Mirzakhmedov, Venkateswara R. Sripathi, Zabardast T. Buriev, Khurshida A. Ubaydullaeva, Dilshod E. Usmonov, Risolat B. Norboboyeva, Chandrakanth Emani, Siva Prasad Kumpatla, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov. Role of MicroRNAs and small RNAs in regulation of developmental processes and agronomic traits in Gossypium species. Genomics. journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ygeno
- Abdurakhmonov I.Y., Shapulatov U.M., Shermatov S.E., Kushanov F.N., Kamburova V.S., Ubaydullaeva H.A., Makamov A.H., Ayubov M.S., Norov T.M., Tulanov A.A., Mavlonov G.T., Abdukarimov A. Successes and repispectives of genomics in Uzbekistan. // Uzbek biological journal. Tashkent, 2017.-№3.P. 3-13.(03.00.00; №5)
- Ayubov M.S., Buriev Z.T., Ubaydullaeva K.A., Usmonov D.E., Norov T.M., Akhmedov M.S., Mirzakhmedov M.H., Shapulatov U.M., Juraev A.A., Azimov A.A., Islomiddinov Z.S., Abdurakhmonov I.Y. Evaluation of important agronomical traits in novel biotechnological cotton lines. // Uzbek biological journal. Tashkent, 2017. -№3. P. 19-22. (03.00.00; №5)
- Ayubov M., Abdurakhmonov I. Y., Buriev Z., Ubaydullaeva K. Development of New Cotton Cultivars Based on PHYB Gene Silencing Using Synthetic Oligonucleotide RNAi Duplex. ICGI 2018, Edinburgh, Scotland, May 28 - June 1, 2018. https://www.cottongen.org/node/8287709.
- Ayubov M., Saha S., Norov T.M., Deng D., Simpson S., Scheffler S., Jenkins J., Buriev Z.T., Abdurakhmonov I. Y. Assessing genetic diversity of improved Gossypium hirsutum and G. barbadense lines using fiber associated nuclear SSR and newly developed cytoplasmic SSR and indel markers.
- RNA Interference for Functional Genomics and Improvement of Cotton (Gossypium sp.) Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Mirzakamol S. Ayubov, Khurshida A. Ubaydullaeva, Zabardast T. Buriev, Shukhrat E. Shermatov, Haydarali S. Ruziboev, Umid M. Shapulatov, Sukumar Saha, Mauricio Ulloa, John Z. Yu, Richard G. Percy, Eric J. Devor, Govind C. Sharma, Venkateswara R. Sripathi, Siva P. Kumpatla, Alexander van der Krol, Hake D. Kater, Khakimdjan Khamidov, Shavkat I. Salikhov, Johnie N. Jenkins, Abdusattor Abdukarimov and Alan E. Pepper.
- G`oza fitoxrom B geniga spetsigik sintetik RNKi duplekslari va somatic embriogenez yordamida olingan RNKi liniyalaring morfologik xususiyatlari. M.S. Ayubov, Z.T. Buriyev, X.A. Ubaydullaeva, T.M. Norov, M.H. Mirzaahmedov, D.E. Usmonov, M.Y. Abduraxmonova, prof. I.Y. Abduraxmonov.
- RNA Interference – A Hallmark of Cellular Function and Gene Manipulation. Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov
- RNA Interference. Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov
- Gullashga aloqador g'o'za PHYB genining funksiyasini sintetik RNAi usuli orqali tadqiq etish. Ayubov M.S., Tolibova Z.H., Bo'riev Z.T., Ubaydullaeva X.A., Abduraxmonov I.Y.
- Alisher A. Abdullaev, Ilkhom B. Salakhutdinov, Sharof Sh. Egamberdiev, Zarif O. Kuryazov, Ludmila A. Glukhova, Azoda T. Adilova, Sofiya M. Rizaeva, Mauricio Ulloa, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov.
Analyses of Fusarium wilt race 3 resistance in Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.).2015.Genetica 04/2015; 143(3). DOI:10.1007/s10709-015-9837-2 · 1.75
- Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Alisher A. Abdullaev, Zabardast T. Buriev, Shukhrat E. Shermatov,Fahriddin N. Kushanov, Abdusalom X. Makamov, Umid M. Shapulatov, Sharof S. Egamberdiev, Ilkhom B. Salakhutdinov, Mirzakamol S. Ayubov, Mukhtor M. Darmanov,Azoda T. Adylova, Sofiya M. Rizaeva, Fayzulla A. Abdullaev, Shadman A. Namazov, Malohat S. Khalikova, Hakimdjon A. Saydaliev, Viktor A. Avtonomov, Marina S. Snamyan, Tillaboy K. Duiesenov, Jura A. Musaev, Abdumavlyan A. Abdullaev and Abdusattor Abdukarimov.2014.Cotton Germplasm Collection of Uzbekistan, World Cotton GermplasmResources, Dr. Ibrokhim Abdurakhmonov (Ed.), ISBN: 978-953-51-1622-6, InTech,DOI: 10.5772/58590.Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/world-cotton-germplasm-resources/cotton-germplasm-collection-of-uzbekistan
- Sharof Sh. Egamberdiev, I. B. Salahutdinov, Alisher A. Abdullaev, M. Ulloa, S. Saha, Farhod S. Radjapov, Baxtiyor T. Mullaoxunov, D. Mansurov, J. N. Jenkins, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov.Detection of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum race 3 by single-base extension method and allele-specific polymerase chain reaction.Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 06/2014; 36(2). DOI:10.1080/07060661.2014.905496 · 0.99 Impact Factor.
- Babajanova F.I., Ubaydullaeva Kh.A., Mirzakamol S. Ayubov, Larina L.A., Buriev Z.T., Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov. Realizing regenerated plants from potato using somatic embryogenesis. Report of Khorezm Ma mun academy, 2/2013.(in Uzbek).
- Umidjon M. Shapulatov, Shermatov Sh.E., Mirzakamol S. Ayubov, Buriev Z.T., Mukhammadjon X. Mirzakhmedov , Adylova A. , acad. Abdukarimov A., Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov. Extraction and identification of micro RNAs from Fusarium oxysporum infected cotton root tissue. The report of Academy of Science of Uzbekistan 2013/2. (in Uzbek).
- Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Zabardast T. Buriev, Shukhrat E. Shermatov, Alisher A. Abdullaev, Khurshid A. Urmonov, Fakhriddin N. Kushanov, Sharof S. Egamberdiev, Umid M. Shapulatov,Abdusаttor Abdukarimov, Sukumar Saha, Johnnie Jenkins, Russell Kohel, John Yu, Alan Pepper, Siva Kumpatla and Mauricio Ulloa.2012.Genetic diversity in Gossypium genus. In Genetic diversity book edited by Mahmut ÇALIŞKAN. InTech, Croatia
- Zabardast T. Buriev, Saha S, Shukhrat E. Shermatov, Jenkins JN, Abdusattor Abdukarimov , Stelly DM, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov. Molecular evolution of the clustered MIC-3 multigene family of Gossypium species// Theor Appl Genet. 2011 Aug 18. 123:1359-1373.
- Buriev ZT, Saha S, Shermatov SE, Jenkins JN, Abdukarimov A, Stelly DM, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov(corresponding author). Molecular evolution of the clustered MIC-3 multigene family of Gossypium species. Theor Appl Genet. 2011 Aug 18. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 21850479.
- Mavlonov GT, Lee JM, Shin HS, Yi TH, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov(corresponding author). 2011. Low molecular fucoidan and its macromolecular complex with bee venom melittin. Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology 2: 298-303. Sanamyan MF, Petlyakova JE, Sharipova EA, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov (corresponding author). 2011. Cytogenetic Characteristics of New Monosomic Stocks of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Genetics Research International 2011 (2011): 27364
- Sanamyan MF, Petlyakova JE, Sharipova EA, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov (corresponding author). 2010. Morphological characteristics and identification of new monosomic stocks for cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology 1: 372-383.
- Campbell BT, Saha S, Percy R, Frelichowski J, Jenkins JN, Park W, Mayee CD, Gotmare V, Dessauw D, Gband M, Du X, Jia Y, Constable G, Dillon S, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov et al., 2010. Status of global cotton germplasm resources. Crop Sci. 50: 1161-1179.
- Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Buriev ZT, Logan-Young CJ, Abdukarimov A, Pepper AE. 2010. Duplication, divergence and persistence in the Phytochrome photoreceptor gene family of cottons (Gossypium spp.). BMC Plant Biol. 10:119.
- Buriev ZT, Saha S, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Jenkins JN, Abdukarimov A, Scheffler BE, Stelly DM. 2010. Clustering, haplotype diversity, and locations of MIC-3, a unique root-specific defense-related gene family in Upland Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L). Theor Appl Genet 120(3):587-606 (*equally contributed as a fist author).
- Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, S. Saha, J.N. Jenkins, Zabardast T. Buriev, Shukhrat E. Shermatov. Linkage disequilibrium based association mapping of fiber quality traits in G. hirsutum L. variety germplasm.Genetica 2009. 136:401–417.
- Eric J. Devor, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Mark Zlojutro, Meredith P. Millis, Jessica J. Galbraith, Michael H. Crawford, Shukhrat E. Shermatov et al. Gene Flow at the Crossroads of Humanity: mtDNA Sequence Diversity and Alu Insertion Polymorphism Frequencies in Uzbekistan. The Open Genomics Journal, 2009, 2, 1-11.
- Mavlonov GT, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Abdukarimov A, Kantety R, and Sharma G. 2009. The Characterization of Major Proteins Expressed in Roots of Four Gossypium Species. J. Cot Sci. 13:256– 264
- Devor EJ, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Zlojutro M, Millis MP, Galbraith JJ, Crawford MH, Shermatov S, Buriev Z, and Abdukarimov A. 2009. Gene flow at the crossroads of humanity: mtDNA sequence diversity and Alu insertion polymorphism frequencies in Uzbekistan. The Open Genomics Journal 2:1- 11.
- Mavlonov GT, Ubaydullaeva KA, Rakhmanov M, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Abdukarimov A. 2009. Chitinbinding antifungal protein from Ficus garcia latex. Chemistry of Natural Compounds 44:216-219.
- Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Saha S, Jenkins JN, Buriev ZT, Shermatov SE, Scheffler BE,Pepper AE, Yu JZ, Kohel RJ, Abdukarimov A. 2009. Linkage disequilibrium based association mapping of fiber quality traits in G. hirsutum L. variety germplasm. Genetica 136(3):401-17, DOI 10.1007/s10709-008-9337-8.
- Devor EJ, Huang L, Abdukarimov A, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov(corresponding author). 2009. Methodologies for in vitro cloning of small RNAs from plant genomes. International Journal of Plant Genomics. 2008:91506.
- Ruzibaev Kh.S., Buriev Z.T., Mirzakamol S. Ayubov, Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Abdukarimov A. Development of candidate markers and association DNA markers on the root-knot nematode resistance cotton varieties. Problems of Bioorganic chemistry. Proceedings of VI Republican Conference of young scientists. Namangan, Uzbekistan. November 20-21, 2009.pp 53. (in Russian).
- Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Devor EJ, Zabardast T. Buriev, Huang L, Abdusalom X. Makamov, Shukhrat E. Shermatov.Small RNA regulation of ovule development in the cotton plant, G. hirsutum L. BMC Plant Biol. 2008 Sep 16;8(1):93.
- Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, R. J. Kohel, J. Z. Yu, A. E. Pepper, A. A. Abdullaev, F.N. Kushanov, I. B. Salakhutdinov,Z. T. Buriev, S. Saha, B. E. Scheffler, J. N. Jenkins, A. Abdukarimov. Molecular diversity and association mapping of fiberquality traits in exotic G. hirsutum L. germplasm // Genomics. doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.2008
- Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Kohel RJ, Yu JZ, Pepper AE, Abdullaev AA, Kushanov FN, Salakhutdinov IB, Buriev ZT, Saha S Scheffler BE, Jenkins JN, and Abdukarimov A. 2008. Molecular diversity and association mapping of fiber quality traits in exotic G. hirsutum L. germplasm. Genomics 92(6):478-87, doi:10.1016/j.ygeno.208.07.013
- Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, Devor EJ, Buriev ZT, Huang L, Makamov A, Shermatov SE, Bozorov T, Kushanov FN, Mavlonov GT, Abdukarimov A. 2008. Small RNA regulation of ovule development in the cotton plant, G. hirsutum L. BMC Plant Biology 8:93.
- Ibrokhim Y. Abdurakhmonov, and Abdukarimov A. Application of association mapping to understanding the genetic diversity of plant germplasm resources. 2008. International Journal of Plant Genomics.2008:574927, 2008.